How To Add favicon to Django project
A favicon is that small icon that appears at the top of a tab in a browser. A favicon can make your site look professional almost instantly. In this post, I’ll show you how to add a favicon to yourβ¦
A favicon is that small icon that appears at the top of a tab in a browser. A favicon can make your site look professional almost instantly. In this post, I’ll show you how to add a favicon to yourβ¦
This post is going to cover how to configure static files for local and production development for your Django project. We are going to look at what static files are, what the collectstatic command is and how it works, andβ¦
Uploading images with Django is straightforward but contains a lot of steps. This post is going to show you how to use ImageField to upload images in Django. This post is divided into 4 sections: This post assumes that youβ¦
If you have forgotten the password for your Django project’s Admin or Superuser, you do not have to create another superuser. As long as you remember the Superuser’s username or you are still logged in to the admin panel, thenβ¦
Django is built on an architecture known as MVT– Model View Template. The Template part is equally important as the rest of the other parts because there is no website without a front end. The front end is important becauseβ¦
If you create a Django app using the startapp command, you’ll notice that the app folder created does not include the file. This does not mean that we have put all the routes of our Django website in theβ¦
The Python Newline character is a special Python character that produces line breaks. It is made up of a backslash and the letter n (\n). All characters in a string that appear after the newline character will be printed onβ¦
Iterating over lists or any other collections of data, such as dictionaries, or tuples, is a common coding task. But before you do so, it is also quite useful to start by checking if the list you want to iterateβ¦
In Python and other programming languages, to trim whitespace is to remove any extra blank or empty space around a word or character in a string. In Python, we use the function strip() and its younger siblings lstrip() and rstrip()β¦
A block of code is a snippet of code that spans across multiple lines. This then means a Python block comment is a snippet of consecutive lines of code that are marked in a certain way to indicate to aβ¦