How to Square in Python: Simple, Built-in, and Advanced Methods

If you are new to Python programming, you might wonder how to perform basic mathematical operations like squaring a number.

Squaring a number means multiplying it by itself, and it is often used in calculations involving distance, area, statistics, and more. In this post, we will explore different ways to square numbers in Python, from simple methods to more advanced techniques.

By the end of this post, you will be able to choose the best approach for your needs and write efficient and elegant code.

Table of Contents

Simple Methods:

Using the Multiplication Operator (*)

One of the easiest ways to square a number in Python is to use the multiplication operator (*). You can simply multiply the number by itself and assign the result to a variable. For example:

num = 5
square = num * num
print(square) # 25

You can also use the multiplication operator with literals (numbers that are not stored in variables) or expressions (combinations of numbers and variables). For example:

print(3 * 3) # 9
print((2 + 1) * (2 + 1)) # 9

Using the Exponentiation Operator (**)

Using the exponentiation operator (**) is a more concise and Pythonic way to square a number in Python. This operator raises the base (the number on the left) to the power of the exponent (the number on the right). To square a number, you simply raise it to the power of 2. For example:

num = 5
square = num ** 2
print(square) # 25

You can also use the exponentiation operator with literals or expressions, just like the multiplication operator. For example:

print(3 ** 2) # 9
print((2 + 1) ** 2) # 9

The exponentiation operator is preferred over the multiplication operator for squaring numbers in Python, as it is more readable and expressive.

Built-in Functions:

Using the pow() function

Python also provides some built-in functions that can be used for squaring numbers. One of them is the pow(base, exponent) function, which returns the base raised to the power of the exponent. To square a number using this function, you simply pass it as the base and 2 as the exponent. For example:

num = 5
square = pow(num, 2)
print(square) # 25

You can also use literals or expressions as arguments for the pow() function. For example:

print(pow(3, 2)) # 9
print(pow(2 + 1, 2)) # 9

The pow() function is similar to the exponentiation operator in terms of syntax and functionality, but it has some differences. For instance, the pow() function can take a third argument that specifies the modulus (the remainder after dividing by a number). This can be useful for performing modular arithmetic, which is often used in cryptography and other applications. For example:

print(pow(3, 2, 5)) # 4

This is equivalent to (3 ** 2) % 5

Using the math.pow()

Another built-in function that can be used for squaring numbers is the math.pow() function from the math module. This function also takes a base and an exponent as arguments and returns the base raised to the power of the exponent. However, unlike the base pow() function, the math.pow() function always returns a floating-point number (a number with a decimal point), even if the result is an integer. For example:

import math

num = 5
square = math.pow(num, 2)
print(square) # 25.0

You can also use literals or expressions as arguments for the math.pow() function, just like the base pow() function. For example:

print(math.pow(3, 2)) # 9.0
print(math.pow(2 + 1, 2)) # 9.0

The math.pow() function is more accurate than the base pow() function or the exponentiation operator for very large or very small numbers, as it avoids rounding errors. However, it is slower and less convenient than the other methods in most cases.

Advanced Techniques:

Using Lambda Functions

If you want to take your Python skills to the next level, you can also use some advanced techniques for squaring numbers. One of them is using lambda functions or anonymous functions. These are functions that are defined without a name and can be used as arguments for other functions or assigned to variables.

To create a lambda function for squaring numbers, you simply write lambda followed by a parameter (the number to be squared) and a colon (:), then write an expression that returns the square of that parameter using any of the methods mentioned above. For example:

square = lambda num: num ** 2
print(square(5)) # 25

You can also use literals or expressions as arguments for lambda functions, just like regular functions. For example:

print((lambda num: num ** 2)(3)) # 9
print((lambda num: num ** 2)(2 + 1)) # 9

Lambda functions are useful for creating simple and concise functions that can be used once or a few times, without having to define them with a name and a def statement. They also introduce the concept of functional programming, which is a paradigm that focuses on using functions as the main building blocks of programs.

Using List Comprehension

Another advanced technique for squaring numbers is using list comprehension. This is a way of creating a new list from an existing list or iterable (an object that can be looped over) by applying a function or expression to each element.

To create a list of squares using list comprehension, you simply write a pair of square brackets ([ ]), then write an expression that returns the square of an element using any of the methods mentioned above, followed by a for loop that iterates over the original list or iterable. For example:

nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
squares = [num ** 2 for num in nums]
print(squares) # [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

You can also use literals or expressions as elements for list comprehension, just like regular lists. For example:

squares = [num ** 2 for num in [1, 2, 3]]
print(squares) # [1, 4, 9]

List comprehension is a powerful and elegant way of creating new lists from existing ones, without having to write loops and append statements. It also allows you to filter the elements by adding an if condition after the for loop. For example:

nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
even_squares = [num ** 2 for num in nums if num % 2 == 0]
print(even_squares) # [4, 16]

Using Vectorized Operations

The last advanced technique for squaring numbers we will cover is vectorized operations. This is a way of performing operations on multiple elements of an array (a collection of data that can be accessed by index) at once, without having to write loops.

To use vectorized operations for squaring numbers, you need to import the NumPy module, which is a library that provides fast and efficient tools for working with arrays and numerical data. Then, you can use the numpy.square(array) function to return a new array with the squares of the elements of the original array. For example:

import numpy as np

nums = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
squares = np.square(nums)
print(squares) # [1 4 9 16 25]

You can also use literals or expressions as elements for arrays, just like regular lists. For example:

squares = np.square(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
print(squares) # [1 4 9]

Vectorized operations are very fast and convenient for performing calculations on large arrays or matrices (two-dimensional arrays), as they avoid the overhead of loops and function calls. They also enable you to use other mathematical functions from NumPy, such as numpy.sqrt(array) for square roots or numpy.sin(array) for sines.


Now that you know how to square numbers in Python using different methods, you might wonder where this skill comes in handy in real-world scenarios. Here are some examples of where squaring numbers is useful in Python programming:

  • Distance calculations: You can use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the distance between two points in a plane or in space by squaring the differences between their coordinates and taking the square root of the sum.
  • Area calculations: You can use squaring to calculate the area of squares or rectangles by multiplying the length of their sides.
  • Statistics: You can use squaring to calculate the variance or standard deviation of a set of data by squaring the differences between each value and the mean and taking the average or square root of the sum.
  • Encryption: You can use modular exponentiation (squaring with modulus) to implement cryptographic algorithms like RSA or Diffie-Hellman that rely on large prime numbers and their properties.


As you can see, squaring numbers is a fundamental and versatile skill that can help you solve many problems in Python programming. In this post, we have learned different ways to square numbers in Python, from simple methods like multiplication and exponentiation to advanced techniques like lambda functions, list comprehension, and vectorized operations. We have also seen some examples of where squaring numbers is useful in real-world applications.

We hope you have enjoyed this post and learned something new and useful. We encourage you to experiment with the different methods and choose the best one for your needs and preferences. You can also try to apply these methods to other mathematical operations like cubing or raising to other powers. Happy coding!

Stephen Mclin
Stephen Mclin

Hey, I'm Steve; I write about Python and Django as if I'm teaching myself. CodingGear is sort of like my learning notes, but for all of us. Hope you'll love the content!

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