The term ‘app’ in Django can initially be confusing for those new to the framework, largely due to the common association of ‘app’ with mobile or desktop applications. But once you understand how these are related, you have already understood the app concept in Django.

An operating system (OS) such as Windows, macOS, or iOS, serves as the backbone of a computer, providing a rich suite of functionalities to facilitate user interaction. However, its capabilities are significantly enhanced by applications (apps) that cater to specific tasks. Essentially, an app is a specialized software designed to execute particular functions, like communication or web browsing, augmenting the computer’s native features.
In Django, an ‘app’ is essentially a directory dedicated to a specific set of functionalities. For instance, you might have an ‘accounts’ app that handles all user authentication processes.
Initially, when you run the ‘startproject’ command, it may appear that no apps are included. However, this isn’t the case; they’re simply not visible as separate folders like the ones you create. They’re integrated into Django’s framework. To see the pre-installed apps, check the ‘INSTALLED_APPS’ list in your project’s ‘’ file.
Here, Django has already registered several default apps. When you log into the Django admin interface as a superuser, you’ll notice these apps listed in the dashboard.
But of course, Django also empowers you to craft your own custom apps. Check out ‘How to create a Django app’ to dive into how you can create a new app within your Django project and expand its capabilities.